
Path: lib/generated/examples/cumulative_dependencies.txt
Last Update: Sat May 30 00:44:04 +0200 2015

Example usage of the featuress of JavaClass::Analyse::TransitiveDependencies to collect all transitive dependencies of a certain class or a whole package (Cumulative Component Dependencies).

Author:Peter Kofler
Copyright:Copyright (c) 2009, Peter Kofler.
License:BSD License
See:Another example how to list all imported types


 require 'javaclass/dsl/mixin'

1) create the classpath of the given workspace

 cp = workspace(location)
 puts "#{cp.count} classes found on classpath"

define a filter to limit all operations to the classes we are interested in

 filter = { |classname| classname.same_or_subpackage_of?(package) }

2a) collect all transitive dependencies of a single class into an AdderTree

 dependencies = cp.transitive_dependency_tree(start_class.to_javaname, &filter)
 puts "#{dependencies.size} classes in transitive dependency graph of class #{start_class}"

2b) or collect all transitive dependencies of a whole package

 dependencies = cp.transitive_dependencies_package(start_class.to_javaname.package, &filter)
 puts "#{dependencies.size} classes in transitive dependency graph of package #{start_class.to_javaname.package}"
