
Path: lib/generated/examples/find_all_imported_types.txt
Last Update: Sat May 30 00:44:04 +0200 2015

Example usage of the class analysis featuress of JavaClass::ClassScanner and JavaClass::Analyse. After defining a classpath, use dependency analysis to find all used classes of a codebase. This code uses in turn the method imported_3rd_party_types of JavaClass::ClassScanner::ImportedTypes to find all imported classes.

Author:Peter Kofler
Copyright:Copyright (c) 2009, Peter Kofler.
License:BSD License


 require 'javaclass/dsl/mixin'

1) create the classpath of production classes

 cp = classpath(prod_location)

2) remember all types defined on this classpath from JavaClass::Analyse::Dependencies

 prod_classnames = cp.types

3) collect all dependencies of all classes defined there

 imported_types_with_numbers = cp.used_types_map
 imported_classnames = imported_types_with_numbers.keys

4) also collect all classes referenced from config files, defined in JavaClass::JavaNameScanner

 hardcoded_classnames = scan_config_for_3rd_party_class_names(conf_location)

5) now we know all classes imported/used by production classes

 puts '---------- used 3rd party types in production ; 0 = hardcoded'
 used_classnames = (imported_classnames + hardcoded_classnames).uniq.sort  - prod_classnames

puts used_classnames

 used_classnames.each do |name|
   puts "#{name} ; #{imported_types_with_numbers[name]}"

6) do the same for test classes, at least org.junit.* should show up here

 test_cp = classpath(test_location)
 puts '---------- used 3rd party types only in tests'
 test_classes = test_cp.external_types - prod_classnames - used_classnames
 puts test_classes
