package import import scala.xml.NodeSeq import{ Favorite, Favorites } /** * Add list of IE favourites (bookmark.urls) to a bookmark backup from Guenmat's Bookmark Manager app. * @author Peter Kofler, Copyright (c) 2010, Peter Kofler, licensed under BSD License. * @since October 2010 */ object GuenmatBookmarks { def to_xml_list(bms: Favorites, order: Int): NodeSeq = { if (bms.size > 0) { to_xml(bms(0), order) ++ to_xml_list(bms.tail, order + 1000) } else { Nil } } def to_xml(bm: Favorite, order: Int) = { { }{ bm.url }{ order }{ bm.fileDate.getTime } } def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { if (args.isEmpty) { println("GuenmanBookmarks ") println println("Add list of IE favorites (bookmark.urls) to a bookmark backup from Guenmat's Bookmark Manager app.") sys.exit() } // read urls val favoritesFolder = args(0) val bookmarks = Favorites.load(favoritesFolder) val targetFolder = if (args.length > 1) args(1) else "." val file = new File(targetFolder + "/bookmarks.xml") val bookmarkXml = scala.xml.XML.loadFile(file) val lastOrder = Integer.parseInt((bookmarkXml \\ "order").last.text) // create XML val oldNodes = bookmarkXml \\ "bookmark" val newNodes = to_xml_list(bookmarks, lastOrder + 1000) val root = { oldNodes }{ newNodes } file.renameTo(new File(targetFolder + "/bookmarks.bak")) + "/bookmarks.xml", root, "UTF8", true, null) } }