Maven 2 Macker Plugin - Introduction

Macker is a build-time architectural rule checking utility for Java developers. It's meant to model the architectural ideals programmers always dream up for their projects, and then break -- it helps keep code clean and consistent. You can tailor a rules file to suit a specific project's structure, or write some general "good practice" rules for your code. Macker doesn't try to shove anybody else's rules down your throat; it's flexible, and writing a rules file is part of the development process for each unique project.

Macker is free software, available under the terms of the GNU Public License. Macker was originally developed by Paul Cantrell.

Macker uses BCEL to analyze Java bytecode.

This introduction is an excerpt from the Macker FAQ.

Goals Overview

  • macker:macker Runs Macker against the compiled classes of the project.


Instructions on how to use the Macker Maven Plugin can be found here. Specific documentation regarding Macker can be found here.


To provide you with better understanding on some usages of the Macker Maven Plugin, you can take a look into the following examples: