
Path: lib/generated/examples/count_classes_in_modules.txt
Last Update: Sat May 30 00:44:04 +0200 2015

Example usage of classpath (JavaClass::Classpath): Scan all classpaths (e.g. modules) of an an Eclipse "workspace". A workspace is a folder containing several Eclipse projects, e.g. JavaClass::Classpath::EclipseClasspath. Report the number of found classes per module.

Author:Peter Kofler
Copyright:Copyright (c) 2009, Peter Kofler.
License:BSD License


 require 'javaclass/classpath/factory'
 include JavaClass::Classpath::Factory

The require/include above just imports what is needed, but usually one would require the whole JavaClass::Dsl::Mixin for conveniance, e.g. require ‘javaclass/dsl/mixin’.

1) define the location of the project

 location = 'C:\Eclipse\workspace'

2) create a JavaClass::Classpath::CompositeClasspath of the complete workspace, which will contain many classpath elements.

 cp = workspace(location)
 puts "#{cp.elements.size} classpaths found under the workspace #{location}"

3a) find all empty elements by querying the classpath elements

 empty = cp.elements.find_all { |clp| clp.count == 0 }
 puts "\n#{empty.size} empty modules found:\n  #{empty.join("\n  ")}"

3b) or print the list of each element with its class count

 puts "library (module path): number of contained classes"
 puts { |clp| [clp.to_s, clp.count] }.
                  sort { |a,b| a[1] <=> b[1] }.
                  map { |e| "  #{e[0]}: #{e[1]}" }
